6th January, supposedly it's the day I fly to Barcelona and join Jill's trip
The flight was at 10h55 and I woke up at 9h45  
My flat is one hour away from airport
I grabbed everything I need and took a taxi to CDG
The traffic was so smooth that I sincerely wished magic would happen to me

Well, the fact proved that God won't bless you unless you believe him

I DIDN'T MAKE IT!! They didn't allow me to check-in!!

Moreover, I couldn't change my ticket and get the refund from the return ticket
And it will cost me 127 euros to get a new ticket to Barcelona
"SHIT is everywhere in France..."

Sorry Jill... it's all my fault!! I'm an idiot!! A big pig-head!!
How could I miss the chance of travelling with you

Dear PaPa & MaMa... if you read this
I'm so so sorry for spending money like this...
Your daughter is an IDIOT!!!

ps. Don't use Sony Ericsson cell phone as your alarm. It sucks!!

6th January 12PM at CDG 
~ to memorize my stupid thing ~

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